Feature Article: Canada's Native Languages: Wrongs from the Past, Rights for the Future?
Written by David Leitch and presented at the conference First Nations, First Thoughts, University of Edinburgh, Center for Canadian Studies, 5-6 May 2005.
This paper asks whether Canada's First Nations have the constitutional right to educate their children in their own languages at public expense. It proposes a five-part, positive answer addressing five sub-issues:
1. How has the teaching of aboriginal languages been governed since Confederation?
2. Why should Canada's First Nations have the right to educate their children in their own languages at public expense?
3. Does section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 affirm and constitutionalize that right?
4. If so, of what value is the constitutional right to First Nations?
5. If not, can this right be nevertheless be recognized by ordinary legislation?
Read the rest here.
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Policy for First Nations in New Brunswick: Continuing Linguistic
Genocide and Educational Failure OR Positive Linguistic Rights and
Educational Success?
Andrea Bear Nicholas, Chair of Studies in Aboriginal Cultures of Atlantic
Canada, presents this 2008 paper on the continual linguicide of
indigenous languages caused by New Brunswick.
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Information About Why Finns Were the Best Readers in the World in the PISA 2000 Study
Compiled by the Finnish National Board of Education, this text includes background information about literacy in Finland, why Finns were the best readers in the world in the PISA 2000 study and factors behind the good literacy performance of the Finnish youth.
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Canada's Native Languages: Wrongs from the Past, Rights for the Future?
Written by David Leitch and presented at the conference First Nations, First Thoughts, University of Edinburgh, Center for Canadian Studies, 5-6 May 2005. This paper asks whether Canada's First Nations have the constitutional right to educate their children in their own languages at public expense.
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The Right to Mother Tongue Medium Education - the Hot Potato in Human Rights Instruments
Dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas spoke at the opening plenary of the 2nd Mercator International Symposium, Tarragona, Spain, 27-28 February 2004.
Rationales and Strategies for Establishing Immersion Programs
Drawn from the Symposium On Immersion Education for First Nations. The text was compiled by Andrea Bear Nicholas with input by many at and after the conference. This article outlines rationales and strategies for establishing immersion programs in First Nations communities.
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